VSCode show warning: Using babel-preset-react-app requires that you specify NODE_ENV or BABEL_ENV
Warning: Foo: Function components do not support contextType
Turn on LEGO® Light 88005 with Raspberry Pi Build HAT
Start a LEGO train motor set 88011 with Raspberry Pi Build HAT
create-react-app unittest failed: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefined"
China is in the "Google Maps Platform Prohibited Territories" list
create-react-app upgrade
Error: `fsevents` unavailable (this watcher can only be used on Darwin)
Convert HTML to a self contained file with inline Base64 encoded PNG images
node --version | dyld: Library not loaded libicui18n.64.dylib | Reason: image not found
Could not find 'bundler' (1.16.0)
RVM uninstall old Ruby
ImportError: cannot import name 'HtmlXPathSelector' from 'scrapy.selector'
Error: Not implemented: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext (without installing the canvas npm package)
Error: Failed to initialize WebGL
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `load': cannot load such file -- /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/bundler-1.17.3/exe/bundle (LoadError)
Can not mount raspbeery pi micro SD card on macOS
searchfeedtech.com ads redirect in Google search causing by Page Ruler Chrome extension (jlpkojjdgbllmedoapgfodplfhcbnbpn)
Puky 平衡车活动
JavaScript download file with JWT token
node --version -- dyld: Library not loaded libicui18n.59.dylib - image not found
nvim deoplete failed to load
TypeError: Cannot read property '_location' of null
Chrome console cleared unexpected
Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)
cannot type in spotlight
show chrome
Quick Look won't close
macOS canceled by another authentication when setup touchid
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(Users)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(Users)".
deck.gl - Layer update only on map drag with mouse
arc land mispelling
neovim "error background job is still running"
Disable Command-W in the iTerm
crontab: temp file must be edited in place
autocompletion in neovim
install neovim
Hot to fix this error - "Error: Error watching file for changes: EMFILE"
React-native npm start Unable to start server
npm error rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 5820b76c7d6419cf
Nuxt.js SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
NPM Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near
socket receive: type "error", data "parser error"
ERROR in home_index.js from UglifyJs. Unexpected token: name (Async) [./~/_react-select@1.0.0-rc.6@react-select/lib/Async.js:42,0][home_index.js:165076,6]
[IFlyIatSession] 科大讯飞HTML5 API 报错 Invalid settings specified for the resampler
Upgrade node.js from v6.10.3 to v8.1.4
Setup mocha for Koa project
Setup eslint for a new project
Send POST request open save as dialog to save file locally
ERROR in index.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc (,) [index.js:221804,9]
installation jenkins 503 error
Install TL-WN826N USB Wireless Wifi Adapter (rtl8192eu) on Ubuntu 17.04 (Linux kernel 4.9.x above)
CentOS 7 mount new harddisk
React Promise
TL-WN826N USB Wireless Wifi Adapter on Ubuntu 16.04
Test harddisk speed on Ubuntu
2017W7 review
Configure Meld Encoding to GBK
IE10 InvalidStateError
A container running ECLIPSE CHE named "che-server" already exists
Using Javascript to change the sub properties of HTML tag's style property
文件夹路径 Program Files 中含有无效的字符 (The folder path 'Program Files' contains an invalid character)
Install Citrix Receiver on Ubuntu
Eclipse: Unhandled event loop exception No more handles
The procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAP132.dll
Make RAM disk on Ubuntu
The following modules couldn't be hot updated
<Provider> does not support changing `store` on the fly.
Jenkins flood HDD with DNS Errors
Angular module config not called
Rename dir with special chars in Git repo
Syntax highlight in Github and Jekyll
Use swagger mock mode as express middleware
Regular expression online testing
Create SSC 3.0 API documents website
Stitch Photos Into Panoramas with Free Software
Development process
Change DNS server in Ubuntu
How to Migrate Your Google Drive Data from a Google Apps account to a personal account
setup pm2 for
CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13
Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps FAQ
install mongodb on redhat linux 6.4
install nodejs on redhat 6.4
Firefox Auto Install Extensions
your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running
Github offline document
Build ncurse project
Install mongodb on aliyun centos 7
Test Restfule API with Node.js expressjs and mocha
Automatically Publish Javadoc to GitHub Pages with Travis CI
Welcome to Jekyll!
github user pages with jekyll
krpano server setup